Are you caught up in the financial thinking of the last century? That’s when we learned to buy a home and pay it off as quickly as possible. It made sense in the conditions that existed back then. It doesn’t make sense today. How would you like to: 1) Safely leverage and compound assets you didn’t realize you had? 2) Become your own bank and build family wealth? 3) Pile up stock market gains, but never take the losses? 4) Lock-in a …

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It’s time to say goodbye to the tired financial advice that has lost Americans Trillions of dollars in wealth. Contrary to what the Wall Street propaganda machine would have you believe….there’s no need to risk your hard earned money in order to grow Wealthy. Within these pages you’ll learn the  “Safe Money Millionaire” plan that can grow your wealth safely and protect you against the ravages of unknown future tax liabilities. Plus you’ll learn how …

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The risk of investing in the stock market has increased remarkably over the last decade. In this period we’ve seen tremendous volatility in stock prices, a market bubble and its subsequent pop, a parade of corporate scandals, the demise of a leading accounting firm and proven deception by many so-called investment analysts employed by major brokerage firms. In addition, the realities …

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There’s a massive freight train bearing down on the average American investor, and it’s coming in the form of higher taxes. The United States Government has made trillions of dollars in promises for programs like Social Security and Medicare it simply can’t afford to keep. The only way to deliver on these promises is to raise taxes. It’s simple math. Some experts have even suggested that tax rates have to double just to keep our country solvent. Unfortunately, if you’re like most Americans, you’ve …

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Missed-Fortune-101MISSED FORTUNE 101

True or False? * Always prepay your mortgage. * The right 401(k) or IRA will completely cover your retirement. * Defer your taxes and postpone the pain. * True wealth doesn’t last forever. They’re All False! MISSED FORTUNE 101 …is like no other money guide you’ve ever read. Its author, successful financial strategist Douglas R. Andrew, dares to question the conventional wisdom on personal finance that most people accept. He reveals the ways banks, credit unions…

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Most people know that there are 70 million Baby Boomers in America today….but what is less known is that there are approximately 100 million people in America between the ages of 16 and 30. This generation has just entered, or will soon be entering the work force. And they have no idea how to invest, save, or handle their money. Young people today come out of school having had little or no formal education on the basics of money management. Many have large …

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According to Doug Andrew, the bestselling author of Missed Fortune 101, too many Americans are being led down the wrong financial path. Even worse, many Baby Boomers find themselves panicking –fearful that they’ve already fallen too far behind to ever catch up. In this indispensable and eye-opening guide, Andrew provides fresh new pathways to reaching financial security — pathways that all Americans need to consider…

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flash boysFlash Boys

Flash Boys is about a small group of Wall Street guys who figure out that the U.S. stock market has been rigged for the benefit of insiders and that, post–financial crisis, the markets have become not more free but less, and more controlled by the big Wall Street banks. Working at different firms, they come to this realization separately; but after they discover one another, the flash boys band together and set out to reform the financial markets. This they do by creating an exchange in which high-frequency trading—source of the most intractable problems—will have no advantage whatsoever…

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